A bingo simulation with 10 trials

The average number of balls required to get at least 1 bingo matching the pattern in the room is 3.8.
The average number of bingos per game is 4.9.
The average number of bingos per player is 0.49.
The B1 Ball did not appear in 90% of the games played.

Balls Drawn 1st Bingo B1 Ball
1 - 5 9 10%
6 - 10 1 0%
11 - 15 0 0%
16 - 20 0 0%
21 - 25 0 0%
26 - 30 0 0%
31 - 35 0 0%
36 - 40 0 0%
41 - 45 0 0%
46 - 50 0 0%
51 - 55 0 0%
56 - 60 0 0%
61 - 65 0 0%
66 - 70 0 0%
71 - 75 0 0%
Bingos per
0 60%
1 31%
2 9%
3 0%

per Game
1 - 3 40%
4 - 6 20%
7 - 9 40%
10 - 30 0%

# of 1st
1 50%
2 20%
3 30%
4 - 30 0%

Double 1st Bingo 0
Triple 1st Bingo 0
Lone Double 1st Bingo 0
Lone Triple 1st Bingo 0

Balls in hopper:
Extra balls to draw 
after 1st bingo:
Total balls to draw 
(non-zero overrides extra balls)
Players in room:
Cards per player:
Balls to print together:
(left table)
Bingos to print together:
(middle bottom table)